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Welcome to another exciting time for us all at Train The Teacher!!

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While we knew that the lecture we were to receive from Dr Leo Hoye   on November 17th was going to be a fascinating event (the content was Language and Culture) we did not imagine that it would be delivered as well or  received as well as it was. It was an inspiring view on language through the medium of art. Wonderful stuff!!


“The Chinese concept of perspective, unlike the scientific view of the West, is an idealistic or suprArealistic approach, so that one can depict more than can be seen with the naked eye. The composition is in a ladder of planes, or two-dimensional or flat perspective.” (Kwo Da-Wei 1990, p.70)

Email for the PPT

Growing the Trinity CertTESOL!!

Our cooperation with Language Point to help expand their online only market for the Trinity CertTESOL has been a great addition to the Trinity certTESOL Internationally. The Language POint course for which Train The Teacher acts as a promotional channel and application processor creates an amazing price advantage for those tired of paying the fees charged in Hong Kong. Train The teacher continues its own trinity certtesol with school and franchise partners in blended courses outside Hong Kong Email. For more information

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The other bright spot for us recently is not only does MyIT continue to grow well to meet parents expectations of excellence in teaching in Hong Kong, but we also have a new partnership about to launch in the US. This is very important for us as we expect our teaching to be international and available across many different borders and cultures.

We know also that the benefits we get through the cooperation of teachers internationally will increase the attention to the quality of what we do as a group. We will be announcing the partners and the links to those sites in the US in the coming months 😊


The next  most exciting thing for us is that we have achieved an international accreditation for the Train The Teachers Certificate in International TESOL (link) a course which we started setting up at the beginning of the Covid year. The course itself is substantial as the content is very extensive and the attention to learning is meticulous.  We ask our trainees to not only process the material, but also to answer questions and receive feedback on those answers through the app-based approach we take to these questions.


The other significant benefit in this course for both the teachers and potential principals is that all of the teachers create a video of their teaching exemplifying what they have learned on the course and they are certificated and graded based on the video . This means that our Train The Teacher Certificate in International TESOL is not only academically robust but is also living proof the teacher can teach. We are very much indebted to the work that Peter Sommerville has done in the development and quality assurance process for this course.

For more information contact Peter Sommerville

If that weren’t enough :) the online learning part of the business, TOTA, is engaged in a new project which is the utilisation of partner pre-existing material; partner choice of platform; fully flexible scheduling; and TTT designed discourse modelling with the local teacher.  

In the course of doing this we provide high value benefit to the school at low cost, and feel the wonderful benefit of the collegial cooperation of international and local teachers.


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For more information

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